
Kate and Stephanie have written several articles pertaining to shamanism, its role in this culture and some of the healing methods associated with it. To read an article click on the title and you will be taken to it. Let us know what you think!!

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Shamanic Journeying by Kate Durda


 NOTE:  Shamanism is a complex spiritual practice. While you can journey at home, on your own, it is recommended that you do seek someone experienced in the practice to work with or consult with, and /or that you seek training until you have a fuller understanding of the practice.



Ordinary reality (OR):                    Our everyday life


Non Ordinary Reality (NOR):        The realm of SPIRIT/GOD/etc.  this is a save and beneficial place to be , if in the Upper or Lower Worlds


Lower World(LW):                           That realm of Spirit where Power Animals and other helping Spirits exist, to give us strength, protect us, help us to heal, give us guidance.


Upper World (UW):                          That realm of Spirit where Teachers, Allies, Guardian Angels, and other helping Spirits exist, to provide us with guidance of a spiritual nature, aligned with our Highest Self and for our Highest Good.           


Power Animal, Totem,etc              Spirit animal, tree, mountain, element, that exists in the lower world Spirit             plane  to help us stay strong and healthy, and balanced on our  Earth Walk, and to assist us with healing questions and information in the Lower World.


Teachers/Allies/Guardian Spirits   Spirit allies that exists in the upper world Spirit plane  to help us realize the true nature of our SOUL and to assist us with spiritual guidance, healing questions and information in the upper world.



The Shamanic Journey is the method by which you can access the realm of spiritual guidance and knowledge… used for over 40,000 years by people on this Earth!


For the actual Shamanic Journey, and how to do it, refer to your handouts… brief reminder notes to Upper World/Lower World Journeying. 

Before you Journey, be sure you have turned OFF PHONE, and that other things like pets, people etc, will not disturb you. Get relaxed, comfortable, and warm. Next put the CD ON ….state your intention, and enter into the Journey!


Brief Notes on Shamanic Journeying by Kate Durda





The Shamanic Journey is the method by which you can access the realm of spiritual guidance and knowledge… used for over 40,000 years by people on this Earth

Find a comfortable place in the real world /nature to start your journey… like tree roots, or an animal burrow, or an artesian well, a spring, a cave in a mountain side, etc.  It is better if it is a place you have actually been to, or seen.


Be sure you have turned OFF PHONE, and that other things like pets, people etc, will not disturb you…Get relaxed, comfortable, warm. Next put the CD ON ….


State your intention THREE times

Your intention could be any of these…
"I am going to the Lower World (L.W.) to explore, meet with my power animal, and explore further what the L.W. is like
            or…  explore further what your Power Animal is there to help you with
            or…  ask  Power Animal what to do next,

or…  what is most important to focus on,

or…  how to protect yourself,

or…  how to stay empowered,

or…  to  seek help with specific question

or…  to ask for specific or non-specific (i.e. whatever is needed at this time) healing
or… your own question_____________________________________________

START your journey to Non-ordinary Reality of the Lower World.

You will start at your place in nature, and imagine a way to enter the earth’s surface, and immediately imagine a tunnel that is descending into the earth.  Follow the tunnel until you see the light at the end, and once there, enter into the landscape of the LOWER WORLD.


(Remember that you are co-creating your experience, and understand these principles that follow):

Energy follows thought.

What you give love to (or attention to) you give Life to.

The more passionate and clear you are with intention, the more Spirit hears and responds to your soul's need and request.



In the beginning of the journey, and usually especially for beginners, you are imagining and actively working to use all your senses (to see, hear , smell, touch, taste,) and your intuition and intention to fully engage in this Lower World.


As the drum beat works its’ trance effect upon your brainwaves (taking you from Beta to Alpha and even deeper with practice), you will know that you are NOT imagining anymore, and it is Spirit that is guiding you.  Just trust this, it WILL happen, and it is both miraculous, and a natural part of our abilities.


 Continue exploring, and experiencing what you came to the Lower World for. Let anything that suggests itself happen, go with the FLOW.  You are completely safe here, all that happens is for your highest good, and you will be getting exactly what you need, just TRUST THIS. Over time, with experience, you will come to KNOW THIS.



            By following your intuition to move thru the landscape or engage in activities

            By talking or otherwise communicating with the beings, helpers, guides you encounter

            By pursuing the fulfillment of your intention


SUSPEND ordinary judgement, fear, comparisons, and mind-talk. Anything goes in Non-ordinary reality. You might fly, you might be born, or die, you might experience what it is like to be a tree, an animal or your spiritual teacher, and more.


Remember that SPIRIT sometimes speaks to us in symbolism, analogy, etc. So PAY ATTENTION to symbolic things, including directions N,S,W,E you or others are traveling in colors, numbers, gestures, intuitions, etc.


Come to learn the mode of communication you operate in, in non-ordinary reality.

            Some folks see, some only hear, some just have a ‘knowing’ of the answers they seek, and usually it is some combination of these, and more.  You will learn this thru practice.


 BE appreciative of the gifts /teachings you receive. Thank those in NOR who help you.


OF significant importance is THEN FOLLOW, when back in Ordinary Reality (OR) and HONOR what you are told.  If it’s advice or teaching, consider it and incorporate it into your life as you can. If you are given a gift, like a crystal, or a necklace, or an object, either find one in real life to keep around as a talisman or power object, or draw an image of it, and hang somewhere as reminder in your home, etc. Whatever way you are drawn to honor the gifts of Spirit, please do so.


RETURN to Ordinary Reality when Drum Call back happens (or earlier if you must).  Every time you return from a journey, remember to thank those who have helped you, retrace your steps (more or less, don’t have to do everything) and come to tunnel. Ascend the tunnel, and come back to your starting place.


TAKE NOTES ON JOURNEY…Highly recommended!


GROUND YOURSELF - before doing any ordinary activities. It’s helpful to eat something, and/or breathe, move, whatever, before driving car, or machinery, etc. 


REMEMBER …. This is a spiritual activity, and should be honored as such.  Do not use the CD for background music, to fall asleep to, etc.  Remember this is a disciplined spiritual technique, – you want to do it the same way every time. This helps your mind /ego to “get it” quicker, and to be clear about what you are doing, and why you are coming to Spirit!


Copyright:  do not share without Author’s permission.  






Find a comfortable place in the real world /nature to start your journey… like a tree, mountain top, smoke from a campfire, flying as a bird, etc.   It is better if it is a place you have actually been to, or seen.


State your intention THREE times

Your intention could be any of these…
"I am going to the Upper World to explore, meet a teacher and…..

...    explore further what the U.W. is like
            or…  to explore further what your Teacher is there to help you with
            or…  to ask your teacher what to do next,

            or… to find out what is most important to focus on,

            or… how to protect yourself ,

            or… how to stay empowered.. .

             or… to  seek help with specific question

or… to ask for specific or non-specific (i.e. whatever is needed at this time) healing
            or… your own question here_________________________________________


START your journey to Non-ordinary Reality of the Upper World.

You will start at your place in nature, and imagine a way to move upward, and immediately imagine a membrane, like a skin, or drum head, that you see stretching across the sky above you.  If you can find a “thin place’, meld or merge right through it, or just pierce or slip thru any pore or spot that you can.   

(Remember that you are co-creating your experience, and understand these principles that follow:

Energy follows thought.

What you give love to (or attention to) you give Life to.

The more passionate and clear you are with intention, the more Spirit hears and responds

            to your soul's need and request.



Note the differences between the U.W and the L.W. over time as you gain experience

In the beginning of the journey, and usually especially for beginners, you are imagining and actively working to use all your senses (to see, hear, smell, touch, taste,) and your intuition and intention to fully engage in this Upper World.


As the drum beat works its trance effect upon your brainwaves (taking you from Beta to Alpha and even deeper with practice), you will know that you are NOT imagining anymore, and it is Spirit that is guiding you.  Just trust this, it WILL happen, and it is both miraculous, and a natural part of our abilities.


Continue exploring, and experiencing what you came to the Upper World for. Let anything that suggests itself happen, go with the FLOW.  You are completely safe here, all that happens is for your highest good, and you will be getting exactly what you need, just TRUST THIS. Over time, with experience, you will come to KNOW THIS.



            By following your intuition to move thru the landscape or engage in activities

            By talking or otherwise communicating with the beings, helpers, guides you encounter

            By pursuing the fulfillment of your intention


SUSPEND ordinary judgement, fear, comparisons, and mind-talk. Anything goes in Non-ordinary reality. You might fly, you might be born, or die, you might experience what it is like to be a tree, an animal or your spiritual teacher, and more.


Remember that SPIRIT sometimes speaks to us in symbolism, analogy, etc. So PAY ATTENTION to symbolic things, including directions N,S,W,E you or others are traveling in colors, numbers, gestures, intuitions, etc.


Come to learn the mode of communication you operate in, in non-ordinary reality.

            Some folks see, some only hear, some just have a ‘knowing’ of the answers they seek, and usually it is some combination of these, and more.  You will learn this thru practice.


BE appreciative of the gifts /teachings you receive. Thank those in NOR who help you.


OF significant importance is THEN FOLLOW, when back in Ordinary Reality (OR) and HONOR what you are told.  If it is advice or teaching, consider it and incorporate it into your life as you can. If you are given a gift, like a crystal, or a necklace, or an object... either find one in real life to keep around as a talisman or power object, or draw an image of it, and hang somewhere as reminder in your home, etc. Whatever way you are drawn to honor the gifts of Spirit, do so.


RETURN to Ordinary Reality when Drum Call back happens (or earlier if you must).   Every time you return from a journey, remember to thank those who have helped you, retrace your steps (more or less, don’t have to do everything) and descend back to your place in ordinary reality, to your starting place.


TAKE NOTES ON JOURNEY…Highly recommended!


GROUND YOURSELF  - before doing any OR activities.  It’s helpful to eat something, and/or breathe, move, whatever, before driving car, or machinery, etc. 


 REMEMBER …. This is a spiritual activity, and should be honored as such.  Do not use the CD for background music, to fall asleep to, etc.  Remember this is a disciplined spiritual technique, – you want to do it the same way every time. This helps your mind /ego to “get it” quicker, and to be clear about what you are doing, and why you are coming to Spirit!





Shamanism, Power Animals and the Stretched Mind Click hereAbove link provided courtesy of the Crazy Wisdom Community Journal.  This essay was first pubished in Issue #52; September-December 2012.


If you are a shamanic practictioner we particularly recommend this article on ethics.  It is in "Shamanism" published by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.  It is Ethical Considerations in Shamanic Healing by Susan Mokelke, J.D. (


Earth Day 2001: A Prayer for a Better World,   (Teach Your Children Well)

Shamanic Healing and Spiritual Practice (Parts I and II)

The Way of Our Ancestors

Shamanism: Path of Healing and Empowerment

Medicine for the Earth - Research Study Results!!   4/4/2006

"On Imagination" by Sandra Ingerman 1/2006

The Role of Shamanism in Contemporary Culture

Restoration of Lost Power

Shamanic Extraction and Healing

Shamanism and the Environment

Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval

Spiritual Cost of the Iraqi War